Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
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During spiritual initiation or active kundalini Ascension Stages, there are four main types of the down-cycle of spiritual crisis which could variously be associated with what the ancients and mystics have called the Dark Night of the Soul. These phases of spiritual development are unavoidable, as the "living death" or Ego Death must occur for resurrection of the spiritual body and mind. All must enter the Dark Night of the Soul or spiritual crisis, perhaps many times during the cyclical process of evolution during the spiritual ascension process. The planet is undergoing a global level of the Dark Night of the Planetary Collective Soul during the Ascension Cycle.

The deeper one goes into a die-off stage to drop density, the greater the spiritual resurrection. Similarly the more one allows the influx of kundalini spirit phases during the heart and Consciousness expansion, the deeper one goes into the die-off stages. The die-off is either acute or chronic depending on the person and the phase of awakening. It happens after each Influx of Spirit, the spiritual initiation stages as the flesh transmutes there is a die-off of the conventional conditioned structures as well as all potential toxins throughout the bodies, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual-energetic. For every influx of kundalini spirit through spiritual initiation, there is an accompanying catabolic breakdown of the former body, apotosis or some form of die-off to release and transmute toxins. Only those people that have the kundalini flow up the spine, and the experience of extreme bliss or electromagnetic influx or massive spiritual opening events are going to experience the die-off. Die-offs are distinct periods of catabolic breakdown in which there is no operative ego, other than that which is sufficient to drag one off the couch to the bathroom when appropriate.

Dissolving the 3D Personality

The incarnated station of our identity that was our personality matrix, the aspect that was enmeshed with the lower three dimensional frequencies, is also dissolving. What this equates to is the dissolution of our personality matrix or station of identity that was located in the lower three dimensions, and moving that aspect of our identity into the higher frequency bands of our Soul matrix or higher station of identity. What happens to the people on the earth who believe that they are only their personality identity, when it begins to dissolve? We can see the effects of that consciousness shift now in the global scape. The range of experience for some people is from sensations of great anxiety, stress, and mental confusion all the way to the descent into madness and insane behaviors. Most people are not aware they are losing Coherence, and are unaware of the causality of what is actually influencing the way they think and behave.

The lower dimensional contents that exist in the planetary collective consciousness fields are undergoing massive reconfiguration in multiple ways. This energetic change in the 3D reality has reached critical mass, which means it is greatly impacting all people of the earth. Whether asleep or awake, the self-mastery that has been either lost or gained is measured in how you personally deal with stress and chaos. No person on this earth is exempt from the exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of humanity. During this time, our inner energetic integrity is tested in order to hold neutrality, while facing the great forces of chaos. This is being tested in every person, just from the mere fact of being on the earth at this time. How well are we able to adapt to change and hold neutrality in every kind of stressful situation? We have to measure our competency level now.

If we are not doing well with adaptability, flexibility and neutrality in our life situation, we must make adjustments to gain strength with this skill set. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the Dark Night of the Soul. What does this take and what is being asked of us? All people must take responsibility for the quality of their thoughts, behaviors, actions, as all consciousness that is created has a direct cause and effect.

Since 2009, we have consistently emphasized the necessity of moving out of the 3D consciousness fields, and from feeding those energies, by identifying and clearing the three layers of the negative ego that are run in the lower dimensional fields. The clearing of negative ego is mandatory in order to adapt to the shifting timelines, and to maintain coherence and sanity. It is imperative to address unresolved conflicts that create anxiety in our mind, emotions and body, and apply clearing and healing tools that replace our previous ways of thinking with neutrality, love and peace.

Dark Night Metamorphosis

There are four main types of spiritual crisis down-cycle events in metamorphosis that need to be clearly understood to prevent unnecessary suffering and secondary backlash:

  • LIGHTNING: This is a terror event of intense energy pouring up and into the body similar to a euphoric inner-conjunction of spiritual activation, but in this case it is a inner-conjunction of feeling great discomfort, anxiety, pain or fear. Here we descend deeply into our matter and flesh and experience inner fears or energy blockages, or experience external anxiety with no apparent cause. We may be accessing buried parts of our Unconscious Mind or cellular memories that are embedded in our bodies. This "negative" inner-conjunction mostly occurs during one's first initial awakening stages which can help to surface hidden fears or pain located in the Pain Body. This terror or fear is the polar opposite to the spontaneous bliss awakening in a neophyte-body at the early Soul initiations for those that are unfamiliar with such intensity of Expanding Consciousness and energy.
  • SHOCK: White Death, or autonomic shock in the CNS that occurs immediately after a mystical or ecstatic experience with kundalini spiritual activation. That is the contraction and toxic overload after a significant opening to the extreme bliss of a euphoric inner-conjunction event or a spiritual initiation stage into a higher frequency or level of the Lightbody. Sometimes in this stage a person can feel numb, apathetic or in a void.
  • SELF-DIGESTION: Then there are the die-offs of toxins or waste which are a catabolic breakdown of the former structures through apoptosis due to oxidation by free radicals and then phagocytosis by the macrophages. This is a physical event and a spiritual-energetic event. Thus, one can experience a cleansing cycle similar to a detoxification through the elimination channels of the body. Detoxification at all levels of the body occurs, including a mental and emotional detoxification of the Pain Body and Ego/Personality. Changes in the hormonal structure, and endocrine functions. This is also the process of Ego Death.
  • BURNOUT: Lastly there is the exhaustion phase of the overall spiritual awakening cycle where the body's resources of neurotransmitters, hormones, and nutrients have been used up in the climb to the escalation heights of the spiritual awakening peak. During exhaustion depression arises, yet there is permanent bliss or peace giving the sense of being dissociated from depression

Suggestions to Support Ego Death

  • Relax as much as possible in the down-cycle, Surrender and allow the process of the Dark Night.
  • Make yourself comfortable without suppressing symptoms, without escaping to run away or propping yourself up with distractions and stimulants.
  • A spiritual die-off is a free radical storm which may induce stress. De-stress and take good care of your body, potentially consume superfoods or doses of antioxidants for protection. Also if guided, take support supplements, essential oils that help the thyroid (kelp, nettle leaf), the adrenals (licorice, Vitamin C), the nerves (Vitamin Bs, ) and the hormones (ginseng, gotu kola).
  • Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, and take a bath to re-hydrate potentially in salt baths. The body has a huge demand for water and Biochemic Cell Salts during a die-off phase, detoxification and spiritual activation.
  • If one is accelerated in full detoxification of toxin die-off, one may experience Ascension Symptoms like Ascension flu. The immune system is essentially dismantling the body and all one can do is rest in bed, and not eat much of anything. It's best not to eat while the body is in catabolic breakdown mode, or digestion will draw energy away from the transmutation of the flesh and your resurrection will not be as complete. One may create toxicity and tissue damage if you work against the natural break-down cycle and ignore the bodies request for rest, cleansing or fast.

Giving up the personality is the first stage of really living. Until we give up and surrender to our spirit, we have been trying to live from the concept of the Ego/Personality self, instead of higher spiritual or Christ Self. It is often the case with human action, that what we manifest through our ego efforts, turns out the very opposite of what we intended. The die-off is the most extreme experience of nature stepping in to help us move beyond the known experience of the ego and into the vast reaches of a mystic perception of the universe. The deeper the surrender to the living-death of the spiritual Ascension process, the more we can actually incarnate and embody spirit in the flesh.

Spiritual Emergency

The symptoms of psycho-spiritual crisis during the Ascension Cycle represent a manifestation and exteriorization of the deep dynamics within the human psyche and the multidimensional anatomy of human consciousness. Although we have a high population of 3D thinkers and 3D consciousness on this planet still operating as a result of 3D mind control, this may or may not suppress the forward momentum of the awakening phenomena that is happening now during the planetary ascension cycle. Many 3D people will have experiences in the future that they cannot label or will not be open to re-contextualize, as this event is an catalytic experience which forces them to give up their current belief systems. Therefore, during this transition phase, we will have a planet comprised of 3D mind non-experiencers and multidimensional experiencers that will be in conflict with each other over the control of the belief systems. The individual human psyche is a multidimensional consciousness and multilevel system with no internal divisions and with no boundaries on what potential realities can be directly experienced by multidimensional consciousness. Therefore, we cannot expect to find a one size fits all approach and have exacting definitions for every type of spiritual emergency that can arise in the human population. And yet, our Ascension work and research with individuals in psycho-spiritual crisis, and the shared experiences of the Starseed and spiritual communities that are doing similar work, reveal that it may be helpful to outline certain major forms of spiritual emergency. They each have characteristic features that can be differentiated from others. Whether a 3D person, or an inherently multi-dimensional and empathic person, we all undergo the Dark Night of the Soul process during spiritual awakening. The process will plunge us into stages of psycho-spiritual crisis of 3D ego death. What is happening on the earth is a game changer, in that the 3D ego is in death throes. People will be forced to accept some version of a new reality, whether they want to or not. We have the choice in how we want to interpret the information we perceive and how we will undergo this consciousness shift. We can adapt and change to go with the new energy flow in Service to Others, to help heal and unify our species. Or we can fight against it to preserve the fear based belief system of divide and conquer and war, that was made to feed into the 3D constructs. As more people will undergo the Dark of the Soul process while on this earth, we share the following most common spiritual catalysts for people undergoing different stages of spiritual emergency:


  • Contact with deceased relatives or other deceased people
  • Shamanic related crisis
  • Awakening of Kundalini
  • Episodes of experiencing Unity or Oneness with all things
  • Psychological renewal through return to the center
  • Crisis of psychic opening
  • Multidimensional experiences, seeing creatures in other realms
  • Signs, symbols, images and triple numbers communicating information
  • Past-life or simultaneous lifetime experiences,retrieiving memories
  • Communication with spirit guides, extradimensionals and channeling
  • Near-death experiences (NDEs)
  • Out of body (OBEs) or Astral projection, Remote viewing
  • Close encounters with UFOs and alien abduction experiences
  • Possession states
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction
  • Intense physical injury, accident or severe medical related event
  • Babies or Crystal Children bring on paranormal events in the larger family 

(Source: Ascension Glossary)