Hi Lisa!

I just had one question that I hope you can provide me with some answer. In the end of June 2011 my american girlfriend started to go into trance from out of the blue. She had no experience and no intention about this and suddenly we're communication with our Trinities. Although I have some good experience when it comes to channeling, I've never came across anything like this.They have been communication mostly through her, via computers, Skype and even on FB!! ( yes, believe it or not) I think I have talked with them at least 20 times.
They have been extremely lovely and kind in so many ways, but after a month we came under heavy fire from other entities. And this has been really bad!
I'm so happy for everything I have received from you and ES, especially all the meditations and clearing programs. I feel so much better now and I wish I had that information earlier. Anyhow, I have sent you two short files where they have explained about themselves. 

I do hope this is okay. Just want to know what your feeling is about it and if you have came across this before.
These frenzy attacks from the other entities are really bad and have taken a toll on us and our relationship.
For some reason they want us apart...and they are not giving up!