Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Harmlessness  is another way to say karmic-less, stopping the cause and effect backlash that is generated from harmful actions that feed into destructive patterns and negative energies. When acting harmlessly, one becomes more efficient with energy management and stops their karmic footprint from engaging with and repeating the destructive patterns that play out on the Earth. Practicing harmlessness in every way we can, also helps to stop feeding into destructive patterns with people in our lives. The real spiritual self will not direct you to attack or intentionally harm another being, ever. The spiritual intelligence knows that all energy in the Universe is Love and all actions and the personal use of energy is balanced at some point in time, and that nothing justifies intentional harm. In the negative polarization, people that are STS express harm in order to learn higher truths that help them evolve, yet what is referred to in this context is when there is intentional torture of living things that is used for personal entertainment, parasitism or slavery, as has happened to the earth. Intentional harm has an energetic consequence of cause and effect backlash that creates serious imbalances, and if intentional harm is directed to hurt others, or the self, that energy will be returned to the being at some point in time to make amends to heal (rebalance). When a person is unconscious, and has little to no self-awareness of the impacts generated from the choices they make that direct their consciousness energy, that person generally receives loads of karmic lessons and destructive patterns to push them towards balancing their life experiences through resolving conflicts, finding forgiveness and making peace in their relationships.

Conversely, the NAA taught the people that wanted power over others on this earth, that they could delay the process of cause and effect backlash, through the stealing of other people’s soul energy, and thus blood sacrifice, SRA and pedophilia became the primary method of which the Power elite were able to delay responsibility for their actions, or they could superimpose the karmic exchange onto the classes they culled as slaves to carry their burdens. These controller groups were able to prolong their life in such way they were not being recycled, and they would resume their power positions in the bodies (bloodlines) that the NAA put them in, in order to continue to enforce their enslavement agendas over great lengths of time. This is one of the reasons that achieving immortality in the physical is so important to these parasitic people, because they want to stay in the lower earth realm and not be forced by higher dimensional laws to answer to cosmic justice. The recurring births in the same ruler bloodlines happened as long as they continued to enforce the structure of mass deception, kept silent and performed their duties for serving the NAA. They generally are split souls with genetic chimerism or Reptoid hybrid influences, which are easily able to reach dissociative states to be possessed and used by an entity of the same genetic line that can commandeer the body completely. Currently, the world slavery system is used to parasitize soul energy but also to superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, and is an important reason the NAA fight so hard to retain their control and access over earth and the inhabitants. The humans controlled by the NAA have Stockholm syndrome, and have been dehumanized to such levels of fragmentation they act like a feral animal cornered in a cage, not comprehending how they can exist any way else but to be in the control matrix enmeshed in a codependent parasitism with these dark forces.

However, for those of us that have soul connection, our spirit wants to evolve and stop the karmic generating process, thus our inner spirit will lead us to learn those steps in order to become responsible for our actions. This is not punishment; it is the Law of Responsibility, a law of which most humans have forgotten. All of us are ultimately responsible for how we have directed the energetic consciousness we have been given while in a bodily form in matter. Many of us (doing energy session or spiritual work) will find trauma lodged from other lifetimes where harm had been generated towards others, or that we have received harm from others. Generally, harm is generated from ignorance in our beliefs and our own perceived disconnection from others. At this time we can clear, heal and resolve all harm that has been made in all relationships, bringing energetic balance to ourselves and the others that were involved. When coming to observe such circumstances in one’s healing process, become the compassionate witness. Know that the time cycle is ending and we are witnessing many different levels of harm that have been perpetrated over eons of time.

The most challenging aspect we are facing is that we will be given the opportunity to see up close and personal the inhumane treatment, the deliberate brutality and torture that humans have been subjected to by the choices that have been made by others, whether human or nonhuman and for whatever the reasons. How many people refused to look at it because it is too ugly and dark, and yet allowed the slavery or torture of people to continue unchallenged and unaccountable. The power structures, the governments of this earth have monetized the suffering and torture of humanity, the world economy is dependent on the suffering and slavery of humans in order to produce mass profits based in the continual complicit behaviors of engaging in criminal conduct and inhumane treatment. Many of these storefronts or shill organizations are dressed up in labeling themselves as humanitarian causes. Multinational child service charities that are so compartmentalized that they secretly are fronting massively profitable pedophilia rings. Therefore, we will be faced with choices of consent, are we willing to see what it is really that operates behind the world economies, what storefronts are used to perpetrate harm, and how that degeneracy impacts every structure that exists in this world, or will we refuse to see it and the harm it produces?  Humans are at a crossroads of making the choice to be ethical and live in congruence with their spiritual source, and during this phase we will be led to remember our true nature as empathic humans, in so that we can learn to live in harmlessness. Thus, the quickest way to evolve and clear energetic imbalance is to be of genuine service to others and attempt to show sincere kindness and harmlessness to everyone.

Because of the challenging nature of penetrating the incredible obstacles set up through the negative controls that are placed to prevent human empowerment and higher awareness, conservation ethics is an energetic principle that defines the right use of energetic resources, as well as living with goals of acting harmless towards yourself and others. Conservation ethics is a mastery skill that anyone will benefit from in learning how to apply in absolutely every area of our personal lifestyle, all inter-relationships, as well as the successful management of any type of currency, resource or project.

Conservation Ethics is the skill of being able to discern the Right Use of Action in proportion to the Resources that are available at any given time. Conservation ethics is about harnessing precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful through direct focus and right timing, it is the right use of proceeds and management of forces by listening and working with the natural flow of life. These skills expand and differ slightly as one develops into living harmlessly and applying conservation ethic in the management of personal energies, the management of children and family, the management of group resources, and the management of communities. As this planet is ending the cycle of perpetuating the massive waste of energies and resources through consumptive modeling and energetic vampirism as directed by dark forces, in order to adapt to the paradigm shift, we will be required to develop energetic conservation skills, as well as learning the art of living harmlessly. Cultivate the wisdom in learning when to engage (or apply action) and when not to engage with others (allow), especially within conflicting and challenging circumstances. When we intend to help neutralize conflicts, we can apply win-win scenarios of compassionate communication to which both parties are treated with respect, dignity and the intention is harm to none. Staying clear of emotional tantrums and dramas and not engaging with wasteful and harmful energies, means making a choice to conserve energy and not feeding the drama to escalate into chaos. Drama is another type of potential harm that can escalate negativity in a variety of ways. Dark forces use drama and conflict in negative ego thoughtforms to instigate schisms and chaos between yourself and others, making us less effective, distracting us and scattering our energies. This is a dark force (ego) tactic of divide and conquer, used to spin out confusion and prevent unified cooperation. Conserving energy means having a stronger focus with deeper mental concentration, and in developing this skill people become much more effective and productive with managing personal energies and tasks at hand. When we learn this skill, we gain access to more resources, and improved exchanges to connect with our spiritual sources. If we waste time and energy, if we abuse our spiritual energies or others, we reach an energy threshold that cannot be increased, draining us, and therefore it will dissipate its positive influence. The popular culture teaches people to take shortcuts, waste energy and use others selfishly in order to gain higher status, to act self-entitled, which is a foundation built on a house of cards, that person is very mentally, emotionally and spiritually weak. As we are aware the NAA want people as weak as possible so they can manipulate and control them in every way possible.

If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect Backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways.

It is imperative that the Law is understood, that every Cause has an Effect, every Effect has its Cause, and there is no such thing as random luck or chance. We all have to go deeply within our heart to study our real authentic self, to figure out the causality links in our spiritual purpose, by understanding the lessons we must master in life. To find the deeper causality of our incarnation on the earth at this time, we begin by looking at the patterns that repeatedly show up as lessons. If we look at the causal patterns present in our life since birth, we will see the arc of their effects threaded throughout our personal timeline. These point us towards the lessons we must master in adulthood to go beyond the pain and obstacles that we have experienced, which lead us to graduate into higher competencies that ultimately help us to achieve energetic balance and consciousness freedom. Everything we experience in life, has possible jewels of strengthening virtue hidden within it, to teach us to become better and stronger people, so that we can gradually learn how to conquer all of our fears and conflicts. These are principles of self-mastery, inherent in the process of spiritual initiation, which is achieved over time by learning lessons and developing virtues to gain higher spiritual wisdom. No matter what is happening in the outer world, we must come into harmony and peace inside ourselves, so that we can live within the same quality of harmony and peace with the world, even when the external is extremely discordant and chaotic. Achieving inner harmony and peace is very closely connected to practicing harmlessness.

Learning to communicate with  Soul  and spirit and act upon its guidance will lead you to live a life congruent with your spiritual plan, one which behaves in harmlessness  to others. Harmlessness and Effortlessness are core energetic principles that reflect how Spirit moves in time and space, based in Universal Law. Thus, we seek to emulate the qualities of harmlessness and effortlessness to connect with spirit in every area of our lives.

  • Inner Spirit guidance always acts harmless towards self and others (never attack, only defend)
  • Spirit avoids increasing karmic entanglements
  • Evolution is accelerated through harmlessness via accepting responsibility for life patterns and accountable towards actions
  • Natural Law is to conserve energy to maximize impact, be Fluid in Motion
  • Shift paradigm of grueling work to effortless to maximize energy efficiency
  • Nature moves effortlessly to generate power, emulate nature
  • Develop energetic effortlessness and maximize output efficiently by prioritizing your tasks
  • Reducing mental and physical stress increases receptivity to creative solutions to resolve problems

The inner personal Christ spirit is inherently available inside every human being, man, woman or child, that chooses to live dedicated to cultivating  heart based virtue, dedicated to serve God with reverence for all life, Service to Others, which works in alignment with the  Spirits of Christ.

No intention to harm oneself or harm another with malice can be present with the Spirit of God or in true Christianity. A real  Christos  being will consciously exit the form s/he inhabits without traumatic death and create another living form to express within in another location of time and space. This is the ultimate function of the meaning of  Ascension. There is no killing of the physical body required to transform the eternal spirit to exist within another form body. There is only the death of the Ego and death to the  Satanic  and dark nature from controlling the body and  Consciousness. Since the  NAA  genetic damage has reduced the absorbed spiritual light in a 3D physical body, currently, the human body wears out and physical death is known to all humanity. When a human activates their inner personal Christ, there is no death, and thus conscious exit from this dimension is taken. This is called  Transfiguration  and is the original design of the divinity within, the Inner Christos light of a human being.

Thus, consuming Jesus Christ body and drinking his blood does not activate the Inner Christ, as it represents the violent crucified death of the Christ within humanity, represented by the NAA violent religions that perpetrate harm. When we see Jesus on the Cross we should remember that he is a human being, and all of humanity is represented through him. Deconstruct the Cross for Jesus while envisioning him in perfect peace and harmlessness and simultaneously, we deconstruct the cross for all human beings, increasing the path of peace which is harmlessness for all.

With a loving heart, Lisa

(Source: Ascension Glossary Harmlessness)