Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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SphixthumbDear Friend,

As this summer has involved a heavy travel and workshop schedule for Lisa, the decision was taken to skip the usual July (2010) article.  The next regular newsletter will come out in August.

Energetic Synthesis

Suggested for You

  • Spiritual Nomad

    There is a significant phase that occurs in the process of initiation for many lightworkers that I refer to as "The Spiritual Nomad". Often, when one reaches this transition phase of spiritual evolution, it can be so painfully unnerving to the personality/ego that it not only devastates one's self esteem, it also severely undermines our confidence to manifest even the most basic needs for our survival. It is precisely our "root" fears of survival that are being shaken to the core and unpeeled from us during this process. We are being prompted to work toward clearing these fears and perfecting our trust and surrender. So it is extremely important to understand the dynamics of why this occurs and actually how entirely common it is!

    This will help you avoid the pitfall of allowing yourself to dwell in feelings of humiliation, shame and embarrassment by this externalization of forces that transform your world in to what appears to be a great "sacrifice".

    Read more …

  • Introduction to ES Material

    Dear Ascending Family,

    I have compiled the information below as the suggested introduction to gain a context of understanding the consciosuness changes that are happening on the planet now. The shift in planetry consciousness is referred to as Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Ascension, or Expanding Consciousness during the Ascension Cycle which marks the completion of the evolutionary time cycle on the planet earth.  Many more human beings are experiencing an array of paranormal consciousness experiences, regaining other lifetime memories, developing higher sensory perception, perceiving inter-dimensional entities, and having communications with perceived Guardian Angels or Extraterrestrials, as well as multi-dimensional experiences. 

    As an Ascension Guide I have experienced all of the following experiences myself since my awakening experience began in 1999. I have developed an huge body of work that is based on these direct communications and experiences of my personal spiritual awakening. That Body of work is called Energetic Synthesis and found in the following places on the internet, and my Ascension website : Please get familiar with the website if you feel called to understand this material. 

    We are required during these times to change what we believe as the accepted reality paradigm through the re-education of human value, providing human evolutionary context, and understanding that consciousness is intelligent “energy”, along with the fact that we share this Universe with many other species of life and existences. The first stages of Introduction to Ascension Theory and its evolution context, the terms and understanding the human “ paradigm shift” are offered  freely here: 

    Learning the 12 D Shield – How to protect your energy field and bodies by learning to create a boundary of energetic space 

    Controling the Mental Body Tools

    ES Mental Discipline Tools 

    ES and Lisa Renee Podcast, Available on ES Site and Itunes (Search for Energetic Synthesis)

    ES Newsletters and Blogs

    Become an ES Community Member

    ES Community is a free public service website with a web based internet community forum and library which is supported entirely through its membership and donations. The membership allows the support of the free tools, content, web expenses, mentoring and the Ascension related videos. The Membership within ES Community  is intended and designed to support an Awakening and Ascending Community, through the gathering, sharing of experiences and having the spiritual awakening tools with proper empowering context, vast amounts of meditation clearings, and the core reinforcement principle of self –sovereignty whereby one learns to discern energies and entities that are here en masse on planet earth today. The core Principles of ES community are founded and based upon the Law Of One and Relationship Mastery as set Forth in those included attached word documents. 

    ES has a commitment to integrity and we are working as a group with small resources to support and help as many human beings as we are capable, primarily through internet communication, to have an empowering context and tools that relieve the sensation of fear, anxiety, depression and extreme isolation when undergoing the natural and normal process of spiritual awakening. We hope these tools are of great service to you and those you feel may benefit, as you share them with others. We have provided a suggested empowerment tool in a separate email “Suggested Spiritual Homework Instructions- Building Aura Strength from Manipulation/Obfuscation” which we find indispensable and critical while undergoing spiritual awakening in the current planetary terrain. 

    Our huge group project, The Hieros Gamos System (HGS), will be released freely to the public soon, and it is our hope it serves more awakening humans to empower themselves through being re-educated to build their own self-focused inner healing connections. Thank you.

    Blessings on your journey, Lisa Renee, Founder and the ES Team